

课后娱乐 & 浓缩


After classes are over for the day on the Park Slope campus, 许多孩子走向公共汽车, but many others stay for the after-school programs that are offered to all students in Nursery – Grade 4. This includes a drop-in program where students can have a healthy snack, 做家庭作业, 在室外或室内玩. But there is also an enrichment program in which students as young as Nursery can get creative in 间谍的孩子 or learn basic coding or ballet and others can take classes in filmmaking, 艺术, 音乐剧, 阀杆, 国际象棋, 篮球, 非洲侨民的舞蹈, 和哈利波特. There’s even a 较低的学校 newspaper for aspiring journalists.


低年级辅助项目协调员纳撒尼尔·米克 解释, “The drop-in after-school program (聚点) includes anywhere from 10-20 kids on a given day, and depending on if those kids have an enrichment class or a music lesson they come to 聚点 and then go off to their separate classes at different times and then sometimes come back to 聚点 until they’re picked up by an adult.”

“After-school programming has been statistically shown to build stronger communities and better learners.”


“The 浓缩 Program currently has about 150 kids p艺术icipating in at least one class during the week and many of the kids p艺术icipate in multiple classes plus our 音乐 音乐学院 program headed up by 詹妮弗·纳尔逊米克补充道.


On a recent Tuesday, Kinderg艺术en and Grade 1 students, who arrived for Jr. 编码, were excited to chat with their friends and to have a snack, before moving to tablets and laptops on which they would use Scratch to learn basic coding. 四名来自 编码空间 跪在学生旁边,帮助他们完成编码项目. One child was having fun programming a large fish on screen to catch and eat a smaller fish.


In Room 1B, a small group of children from Nursery and PreK were getting ready to make masks in 间谍的孩子. 凯丽,一位来自 策划护理 帮助他们. 

温顺的解释, “策划护理 is an after-school enrichment company that offers various classes and events for all elementary age groups. They have a catalog of class options and I let them know which ones I think would best fit the Poly community. Then we organize a schedule on when they can come and who the teachers will be and then offer the classes to parents.”


The Filmmaking class in Room 3A had already made great progress in planning their short movie. 老师 亚当Benay 三年级和四年级的学生已经画好了开头, 中间, 电影的结尾考虑到了角色, 设置, ”的问题,主要事件以及情节如何发展, 问题是如何解决的, 这是一个“重要的学习时刻”, 以及如何“系上蝴蝶结”.”

博彩网站排名这个情节,大家来回开着愉快的玩笑. Benay illustrated how they should storyboard the film to work out how the characters would move through the plot.

“I was not surprised at all by their enthusiasm,” Benay said. “This class has really strengthened my belief that everyone wants to tell stories!” 


“The plan for this movie came together in the first two classes,” Benay 解释. “我问孩子们对我们的短片有什么想法. They gave me two different ideas and after I figured out how we could work them both into the same story, I asked them leading questions to get them through my thought process. I introduce ideas like the protagonist/antagonist having needs and goals, and what’s great is that Poly teaches a basic form of story structure in third grade, so they all have a background understanding of how things should build to a climax.”


较低的学校 放学后 student with sign for filmmaking

这是贝内教授这门课的第二年. “两年了 so impressed with their ability to come up with not only initial ideas, but to flesh them out with the necessary ingredients for a good story,他说.

“Collaboration and working toward a common goal is something I hope to teach in this class. I make it clear to the kids: having a finished film project feels incredible, 但只有我们共同努力才能实现.”


Grades 2-4 students were welcomed to the gym by Coach Maurice for some high-energy, 篮球技术培养与友谊赛. Divided into four lines, they got set to take turns running across the court to shoot baskets. 先进四球的队获胜.

The beautiful weather on this p艺术icular Tuesday also meant that children could enjoy play outside.


回去学习更高级的计算机科学, Grades 3 and 4 students had replaced the younger children in Room 2A for 编码 class. 三年级 利亚姆年代. ’33 一直在用Scratch来编码他的名字.

较低的学校 放学后 play - child, teacher with computer

“My goal is always to enrich the kids’ and teachers’ lives in after school, and to build lasting memories that make them better students and ultimately better people.”


在间谍小子的时候,面具已经做好了 杰克逊W. ’37 小心翼翼地从背景中剪下他的面具. 老师 Callie helped him attach an elastic so he could try it on and see himself in a mirror.


“我为我们在保利小学的项目感到非常自豪!米克说. “Our staff is second to none in the attention they give to the kids and the passion and excitement they have for their individual subjects. My goal is always to enrich the kids’ and teachers’ lives in after school, and to build lasting memories that make them better students and ultimately better people. 到目前为止,这个项目已经做到了这一点. It’s also a great way to get to know the kids and families in a way that’s different from the regular school day. After-school programming has been statistically shown to build stronger communities and better learners. With those goals in mind, our programs are extremely successful.”


秋天已经开始了, but Poly families can find out more about 较低的学校’s 放学后 programs by 登录到父门户 然后点击学校资源选项卡. Families may also reach out to 纳撒尼尔温顺, 较低的学校 Auxiliary Program Coordinator by 电子邮件.
